Against June Bouwer. She is South African, female and 87 healthy years old. And, well – she drives a Nissan 200SX
The story here appeared a year ago. And it's about June. Living proof that you're never too old for something with four wheels. She's had her Nissan 240SX since it was new in 1991. The car was a gift from her husband, who told her that she had free choice on all shelves. So because June is June, she chose the Japanese sports coupe with manual transmission. Something that wasn't available at Nissan in South Africa at the time, so the car had to be special-ordered for June. But she was 'only' 59 years old, writes Prestige Multimedia. READ ALSO: Look here! Accused fraudster's wild car collection to be sold Since then, she has done one thing – enjoyed driving the car. The 1.8-liter, twincam turbo engine otherwise spins just as well as it did from new almost 30 years ago. June takes care of and looks after her car. The service book is probably full of stamps, and there is no trace of rust. The red paintwork doesn't show the signs of time either. June has been able to park the Nissan in a closed garage from day one. When asked if the fine car will ever make a living on the highway, June answers boldly. – I've had it up to 160 km/h, and that's plenty for me. June, you have our deepest respect!