A 20-year-old man hid 22 camera traps under his bed when he was arrested in May 2024. Now the trial of him and six other possible perpetrators begins.
The police in Sweden believe that a 20-year-old man is part of a network of a total of 7 people who in recent years have dismantled several speed traps in the country.
At the 20-year-old's home in May, the police found nothing less than the camera equipment from 22 camera traps that have been cut down or destroyed around Sweden. Read more about it here.
Now the trial against the seven defendants in total will begin soon. Specifically, the first trial is scheduled to begin on September 30 in the district court. After that, there is a judge on 1., 2., 7., 8.9. and 11 October, because judgment will be made in the case.
The newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning writes that.
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The vandalism, on which the police based an investigation, took place at the end of August 2022. Something we could also talk about here at Boosted.
The Swedish police have found everything from recordings of the young men cutting down the camera traps or destroying them, to chat messages where the men write back and forth about the vandalism.
In total, the case concerns damage to 150 speed cameras that are either completely or partially destroyed. On some of the camera traps that were 'only' damaged, the perpetrators left several messages. Blue. they wrote 'Hi losers, this is an inside job' on at least one broken camera.
The case against the seven people concerns 20 cases of theft and at least two cases of attempted theft of speed cameras. All the accused men plead not guilty. But one of them must have said during an interrogation that some Russians forced him to keep the camera traps.
The police in Sweden also believe that the defendants tried to make quick money on the stolen equipment. Among other things, by selling the cameras on the trading portal Blocket.se.
It is not only in Sweden that speed cameras have been subjected to both vandalism and theft. In Italy, a group arose last year that cut down speed cameras under the cover of night. Opinion about the men who are lost organized is very divided. Especially on social media. Read more about it here .
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