According to a new index calculation from the Dutch GPS map company Here, Denmark tops the list of countries that do the most for electric cars on several points.
If you want to drive an electric car in Europe, there is no better country to do it in than Denmark. At least not when you look at the prevalence of a large number of factors behind the type of car.
This is what the Dutch GPS map company Here thinks.
In a new index, the Danish conditions even beat those in the paradise of electric cars – Norway. Electric cars are also doing better at home than in countries such as Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
And in fact, electric cars are doing much better than in Europe's largest market for cars in general – namely Germany.
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Factors such as the number of charging points per road and the length of the road, how much power is in the power cables, the electric cars' share of the market and the size of the electric cars in number per charging point.
At the bottom of the list we find countries such as Malta, Hungary and Cyprus. But countries like Spain, Poland and even England do only marginally better.
Nothing is mentioned here about the reasons for the advance of the electric car in Denmark and Norway. But it is largely created by artificial conditions. There is little or no tax on most electric cars in the two countries.
And from the political side – at least in Denmark – there is hope of raising the registration fee. In fact, it has already happened several times that the tax has been kept in check. Even though it should actually have increased.
The car importers are also trying to put pressure on Christiansborg to keep the taxes down. The car importers' interest organizations have several times voiced the fear that the Danes are losing interest in electric cars.
Back in Germany, it has actually gone that way. After the country's government removed all state subsidies for electric cars back in December last year, sales plummeted. And it has continued like this for eight months now. Sales of electric cars in Sweden are rapidly declining. And in the Netherlands they are now gradually phasing out the support.
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