The calculations were wrong when Esbjerg's new city bus network had to be planned. This has now made public transport 8 million kroner more expensive.
An apparent 'human error' in Esbjerg has ended up making a new network of city bus routes in Esbjerg as much as DKK 8 million more expensive.
That's what JydskeVestkysten writes.
According to a press release, acting director Michael Aagaard is 'horribly sorry' that his employees' mistakes now cost an extra DKK 8 million.
– We, and not least the affected employees, are terribly sorry and burdened that this has happened, and we have initiated procedures to ensure that such an error cannot happen again, reads a press release.
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The error was discovered in an economic fashion in Esbjerg municipality. But apparently it's not something that can be fixed. In any case, there is an extra bill to be paid.
What has slipped in Esbjerg is 13,000 choir hours in the bus plans. The people who have been responsible for the budget either did not see them or forgot to take them into account. In any case, the money for them is missing.
According to chairman of the Plan & Urban Development Committee in Esbjerg Municipality Henning Ravn, it is still too early to say where the bill will be sent.
However, the error in Esbjerg is nothing compared to the error that Audi made when reviewing the costs of taking over Sauber's Formula 1 team.
The Germans have miscalculated so much that they depended on sponsorship money from China to even get the current season together. Read more about it here .
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