It must be thinned out the warehouse. Therefore, Haaning Collection, which is based in Bagsværd, has to get rid of some of the many cars in the remote warehouse. The family makes an auction out of it.
Over a period of two days between 12 and 13 October, new owners must be found for more than 70 corvettes from brands such as BMW, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Chevrolet, Citroën, Audi and Ford.
It happens when Haaning Collection, which is normally based in premises in Bagsværd, sells out of the remote warehouse at 4270 Hong.
The museum writes this in a press release.
In addition to cars, there will also be the opportunity to buy motorcycles, mopeds, automobiles and spare parts, which makes it possible to make good finds in all price ranges.
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There will be free entry, and the opening hours are from 10.00 to 15.00 both days. The address where the event will take place is Sæbyvej 48 in Hong.
– We love cars and are constantly looking for new exciting ones of this kind for our museum in Bagsværd.
– This also means that we occasionally have to sell off the treasures so that there is room for new cars, say the brothers Michael and Nicholas Haaning, who are behind the car museum Haaning Collection
– There is a story behind each and every one of the cars we have at the museum. This also applies to the cars for which we have to find new owners.
I'm looking forward to some good talks with all the passionate car lovers who pass by, says Erik Haaning, who founded the collection.
The Haaning family are not the only Danes who have recently come to the realization that the collection needs to be thinned out. A family from Funen came up with the same thing just a few months ago. Read more about that collection here .
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