According to a new survey, 51 percent of Tesla owners choose to go back to pure fossil cars in 2024. However, the figure was even higher just four years ago.
As many as 51 percent of Tesla owners will replace their electric car with a gasoline or diesel car in 2024.
In addition, Tesla owners are more willing to replace their electric cars with similar cars from one of the so-called 'legacy' brands, i.e. those that are older than Tesla.
This is shown by a new survey from McKinsey & Co.
It was also McKinsey & Co. that recently determined that only 46 percent of American electric car owners considered replacing the electric car with gasoline or diesel.
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The same survey also showed that the figure globally is 29 percent. However, there are big differences across the nine countries that McKinsey has found drivers in. Read more about it here .
In the new survey among Tesla owners, 51 percent may seem high. Because it's loud. But it is actually a significant improvement compared to just four years ago.
However, figures from one of the largest car dealers in the US, Edmunds, show that fewer Tesla owners are coming to them with electric cars in exchange.
In 2020, 76 percent of Tesla owners were ready to get back into a car with an internal combustion engine, while only 9 percent of those surveyed wanted to make the leap from an internal combustion engine to an electric car.
How things are going for electric cars in general is a mixed picture. Here at home and in Norway, where cars are heavily subsidized by the state coffers, things are progressing significantly. Although Norwegians have actually bought fewer electric cars lately.
However, we don't have to go any further south than Germany to find a market where motorists are turning their backs on the new electric cars for the 7th month in a row. All the while hybrids as well as diesel and petrol cars are progressing.
That things are not going quite as fast for electric cars as many might have expected can be seen from the latest moves in the car industry. Audi has recently dropped the idea of only building electric cars in 2033, and in Mallorca they have dropped a ban on new diesel cars from 1 January 2025. Read more about it here .
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