The Germans – and everyone else for that matter – should not be prohibited from driving more than 120 km/h on the Autobahn, says the country's transport minister Volker Wissing.
German Transport Minister Volker Wissing once again states that the country's government will not introduce a general speed limit on the Autobahn.
In front of the German media house Funke, Wissing rejects all talk of speed limits. He does not think this is an appropriate measure.
This is written by Autobild .
The Minister of Transport rejects a general speed limit of 120 km/h, although the German environmental authorities Umweltbundesamt believe that there are 6.7 million tonnes of CO2 to be saved per year by introducing such a ban.
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In an interview, Wissing also mentions that speed limits of 120 km/h on motorways, 80 km/h on country roads and 30 km/h in cities will not be accepted in Germany.
"The Germans will never be able to support such restrictions," says the transport minister. Wissing also says that political interventions must not only be effective, but also sensible.
The Minister of Transport believes that speed limits on, for example, the German motorways will only divert traffic onto other, smaller roads, which in turn will increase the inconvenience for the local population.
And that, says the minister, is not the point of the way the infrastructure in the country is knitted together. On the whole, it is nothing new that the government in Germany refuses to regulate the right to free speed.
The discussion regularly comes up in the public debate. No later than 2021 when Germany's current government, which consists of three parties, negotiated a government basis in place. Read more about it here .