After just 1.6 kilometers, Thomas Remo's new Tesla Cybertruck suffered a critical fault and had to be picked up on a sweeper.
Mistakes happen. Also in the cars. But as a driver, you hardly expect it to happen after the first kilometre. And certainly not in a new car.
Yet that's exactly what Thomas Remo claims happened after he drove the first mile in his brand new Tesla Cybertruck.
Thomas Remo has even been able to document the entire process, which he has otherwise shared with the outside world via his YouTube channel.
The first time the error occurred, Thomas Remo could switch the car off and on again and drive on. But the error, which is in the steering of the car, came again. And it ended with the Cybertruck being transported away on a sweeper after just one day on the roads.
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In the papers that Thomas Remo subsequently received from Tesla's service department, it is stated that the problem is believed to originate from the wiring network.
Therefore, all cables must now be removed from the car and replaced. A new wiring harness on such a new car is naturally covered by the warranty. But what a nightmare!
However, it is far from the first time that a brand new car causes a fuss. Here at home too, motorists have complained about brand new cars that 'stand off'.
Right now, for example, the Danish-registered Ford Mustang Mach-E has serious problems with braking. It is made even more strange by the fact that the problem is apparently only found on Danish cars.
Ford in Denmark is not much for saying anything about the situation. But we are aware of at least 29 cases where the brakes on the electric car model have failed. Read more about it here .
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