The glass in the fixed speed trap on Bogensevej in Odense has been smashed. The vandalism was reported to the police on Wednesday morning.
In Italy , some angry people are cutting down fixed speed cameras with angle grinders. At home in Odense, people 'enjoy' smashing the glass on a starling box.
The Funen Police informs TV2 Fyn .
The fixed, so-called starling box is on Bogensevej in Odense, which is one of a total of 11 places in the country where this type of camera trap has been set up.
The speed trap on Bogensevej is the 5th most profitable starling box in Denmark. It is also far from the first time that such a speed camera has been smashed since the technology was set up to flash motorists here at home.
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The large boxes were set up in the autumn of 2018. But already in February 2019, they had been smashed or vandalized 22 times in various locations around the country.
Last year, a settlement showed that the fixed speed traps shovel more than 100 million kroner into the state coffers every year.