On June 17, Germany's legislature introduced a new ban that takes away cars' right of way in cities. A law that has otherwise existed since 1909.
A 115-year-old traffic law in Germany is a thing of the past.
On 3 May 1909, Germany's traffic law gave cars and light coaches the right of way in urban traffic. It should, the argument went, ease traffic as much as possible.
Since then, with the exception of some small adjustments in 1953, the rule has not really been tampered with since. But it is over now that a tougher adjustment to the law has been introduced.
A majority in the German legislative assembly, called the Bundestag, has decided to abolish the right of way for cars in cities. It happened on June 17, 2024.
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That's what Auto Bild writes.
In the new edition of the Road Traffic Act, health and environmental protection are equated with motorists' 'right' to get ahead first. According to the media, local governments in Germany can use this to promote stricter environmental requirements in the cities.
A similar measure has already caused both great anger and debate in England. In 2022, cyclists in England were given the right of way if they were on their way to cross… yes, a road. For that, motorists only had to show consideration if the cyclists were already on their way over a stretch.
Since then, however, the law has also been tightened for England's cyclists. In May, a penalty framework of up to 14 years' imprisonment was introduced for cyclists. Read more about it here .
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