An 18-year-old man was caught for drink-driving back in February. Only on Monday this week did the police come for the car, the mother's Tesla.
Back in February this year, an 18-year-old man from Stevns had such a high blood alcohol level that he was not allowed to drive a car at all. Yet he was behind the wheel of his mother's Tesla. It cost the choir card
This is what the Central and West Zealand Police write in the police report .
However, the blood alcohol level was not so high that law enforcement could seize the car on the spot. At least not at first, since the 18-year-old didn't blow the breathalyzer above 2.0, which is the limit for madness.
The blood test ended up failing him anyway. Just over a month and a half later, an analysis of the teenager's blood has established that he was as drunk as a crazy driver.
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With that, the police knocked on the mother's door on Monday and demanded the Tesla be handed over. It is not the first time that a Tesla smokes in police custody due to crazy speeding.
Far from actually. Most recently, a 60-year-old man had to wave goodbye to his copy of Denmark's most popular car, as he was a little too busy to reach a badminton appointment.
And for that, a Tesla owner mourned for smashing his car thoroughly before the police caught up with him. Thus, it was only the sad remains that the police got hold of when the car chase ended. Read more about it here.
Back at the 18-year-old, he has already had to live with the fact that he is not allowed to drive a car for a very long time. Now he can look forward to an even bigger fine, some time in prison and probably a gigantic bill from his mother.
Read more about the traffic police's work on Danish roads right here!